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Reason analysis of automatic door cannot be opened normally

发布日期:[2016-5-17] 共阅:[1363]次
Reason analysis of automatic door cannot be opened normally
Is what reason lead to automatic door cannot open normally close? How to solve the automatic door cannot open normally close? Automatic door cannot open normally closed two kinds, a kind is has the action of closing the door, but a re opened. The other is the automatic door always keep the open state, can not be closed, or always keep the closed state, can not be opened.
The first: the action, but can not be closed, this reason is sensors have opened the door of the input signal is within the range sensor have the presence of the interfering, such as: direct exposure to sun light and moving objects, unstable light source. Through the broken sensor signal line to test whether caused by interference signal sensor automatic door cannot be closed.
The second: automatic doors remained open state, trigger the automatic door failure may be due to damage to the sensor, there is always a door opening signal input to the controller of automatic door, automatic door remote controller and a mode switching switch is adjusted to the open state, if it is fitted with door forbidden system, access control system relay is damaged.
Through the above analysis, should be basically to solve the automatic door cannot open normally closed automatic door trouble the, in the actual maintenance of automatic doors should be from simple to complex, to exclude the automatic door fault of the reason is very simple, and then gradually investigation and other fault.

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