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Installation of automatic doors to pay attention to the problem

发布日期:[2016-5-17] 共阅:[1319]次
Installation of automatic doors to pay attention to the problem
When installing the automatic door, we want to how to better and more secure installation of automatic door, install automatic door when we have to pay attention to the problem of what?
First, automatic door track if is installed in the welding of Tielong skeleton, automatic door the whole skeleton materials to use wall thickness of 3 mm above the pipe, or other firm degree pretty good material.
Second, please ensure that the framework is arranged to ensure the overall skeleton level, vertical, solid, solid close. The surface of the installation track must be smooth without burr, and the aluminum alloy track is provided with a vertical and firm level.
Third, installed in the load-bearing walls or on the attachment, to ensure that the installation of aluminum alloy track up and down the level of vertical, solid.
Fourth, check the installation of the installation of the door body installation adjustment, the stopper must be installed firmly on the ground, long-term use is not loose.
Fifth, if the use of non box automatic door folder, be sure to use has been supporting the set of screws, leather pad.
Sixth, the probe installation must ensure that the installation stability does not shake.

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