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What are the common failure of the access control system?

发布日期:[2016-5-17] 共阅:[1286]次
What are the common failure of the access control system?
Access control system has gradually become the important component of people's life, it is very good guarantee the small group of residents of the personal safety and property security, also is improves the grade of the entire area, greatly facilitate the people's life. However, there will be a small number of access control failure, only the correct understanding and will be able to solve it better for people to bring convenience to life.
Common failures and solutions for residential access
1, access control system, there will be a phenomenon of the door open the door. The main reason for this phenomenon is generally accepted and sent a signal to accept a bad phenomenon, you can try to check the power of the radio and the line is normal. There may be due to the electronic lock malfunction, and sometimes the line of the household problems may affect the radio can not open the door of the situation, the household line of the investigation on it.
2, when the management machine and the door of the radio while working at the same time, there has been a lot of noise. This situation is generally caused by two kinds of reasons, the lighter one may be the volume control is not appropriate, another reason may be the connection appears the problem. Tests and tests are carried out.
Residential access control system failure
3, households in the credit card when the machine does not respond. This kind of situation is quite common is also a kind of trouble, it causes a lot of. On the one hand, may is because households card in daily use no good pay attention to the protection, the more serious wear and tear, or because makes the card showed a more serious loss of excitation and mobile phones, computers and other long-term contact, so when credit card read card reader to the normal access to information. On the other hand also may be is a card reader, there is a problem, which may is read card device power supply appeared unstable or is insufficient, it may be because long-term use of lead reader by certain wear, and therefore can not be normal work, not may is read card device of internal failure and need professional maintenance personnel check the.
Residential access control system failure
4, the power indicator will be on the situation. This may be because there is no electricity or the voltage is not enough, check the circuit protection device on it. Also may be because the card reader's line has a short circuit, the first to confirm the external power input is not in the normal situation, or to test the voltage.
5, in the case of electricity, the reader appeared constantly sound. This may be caused by the power line virtual connection, also may be located in the controller and the card reader cable between the incorrect connection method, as long as try to check the cable and the power cable can be.

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