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Fire door hardware accessories common sense

发布日期:[2016-5-17] 共阅:[1666]次
Fire door hardware accessories including: fire fire fire lock, hinges, latches, fire door closers, order etc..
Fireproof lock is mainly used to fire doors, locks for the ordinary fire and fire channel lock, lock the ordinary fire mainly plays a role in the opening and the locking, and the fire passage lock should be used for emergency escape to ensure the safety of the lives of the people, the main difference between the two is the key and does not take the key.
Two, fire hinge is the door and door frame interconnected parts, mainly to support the role of the door body. It is divided into internal and external hinge hinge, the former applies to open the door, the latter applies to the open door, usually every fire door to install 3 fire hinge.
, fire bolt is application in the fire door to block the door open simple parts, usually is made of metal material, when fire happens, in live fire doors can fire. But according to the provisions of the fire department, in public places during the operation of fire doors remain closed, but the bolt must be open!
Installation in door upper fan or built-in inside the door leaf of a device, by the metal spring, hydraulic damping combination, and its role is to ensure that the door is normally closed state, to avoid immediate fire by. It can be divided into two kinds: one is normally open door closer, the other is a closed door closer.
Five, fire door sequencer is arranged on the lock shaft and a small shaft locking mechanism, the fire linkage with closed according to the order of function, and let the door can smooth closed, install in the evacuation aisle, staircases, antechamber fire doors.

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