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Data storage security of access control system

发布日期:[2016-5-17] 共阅:[1827]次
Data storage security of access control system
Access control system data is mainly stored in two places, one is the management of the computer database, one is the access controller FLASH. And data storage security risks are mainly concentrated in the management of the computer database.
Database access control system usually adopts SQL server, orcale, but also the use of access, all data access control system, including personnel information, access control equipment information, credit card records information exists in the database, so explicit forms of the password for the database management and data table data is particularly important. Due to the access control system may be involved in the card number and access point equipment more, if such data to be encrypted and stored, while the system is running all the data need corresponding decryption before they can use and operation speed is greatly affected, if the data is too large and may even lead to system paralysis. Secondly, the data encryption is very inconvenient for the third party system. However, data if all the codes stored, once the database password leak, system data will face full disclosure of the risk.
Therefore, the establishment of a higher security performance of the access control system, can be achieved by taking the following:
Card reader and card using PSAM card authentication mechanism to verify, reduce the card in the card reader and the transaction process is broken;
Two, card reader and controller using RS-485 or TCP/IP communication mode, and the data is transmitted through the encryption algorithm;
Three, the controller and the management of the computer using TCP/IP communication, the same data needs to be transmitted through the encryption algorithm;
Four, the data stored in the software database uses a partial encryption method, the content of encryption is only involved in the core of the key fields.
With the security requirements of the field of security more and more high, I believe that in the near future, the traditional access control system will be replaced by a higher security, and the application of access control system will be more broad.

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